Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Tag Archives: politics schmolitics
Thoughts from a Pro-Choice Extremist
I am pro-choice. I am a woman in my twenties who is – as far as I know – physically capable of a) getting pregnant and b) carrying the pregnancy to term. I currently do not wish to a) get … Continue reading
Disney Princesses, Bella Swan, and Trusting Girls
If you’ve spent any time in the feminist blogosphere, you may have gotten the impression that many feminists don’t really care for Disney princesses or Twilight. You’ve heard the reasons: they promote physical beauty over character, they encourage objectification of … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts
Tagged less feminist than it seems, more feminist than it seems, movies, politics schmolitics, writing
Reproductive Rights as a Bargaining Chip
Here’s a fun little exercise. Anyone who is a Democrat or wants Barack Obama to win the 2012 election is free to play! Imagine, for a minute, that you are a person who considers yourself pro-choice. Imagine that you also … Continue reading
On Representation and Diversity: Don’t Forget the Left-Handed Lithuanians!
Confused by the title of this post? Let me explain. My late, beloved grandfather was a man with a delightful, dry wit. The best example of his wit (that I know of) comes from a conversation he had with my … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts
Tagged glee, how i met your mother, movies, politics schmolitics, white girl talkin' about racism
“Bad Teacher”: A Cathartic Experience
I bit the bullet and saw Bad Teacher on opening night. Even though the trailer made me cringe, I knew from the moment I saw it that I would have to see it in the theater, and it would have … Continue reading
Why I’m Not Laughing About Anthony Weiner
I can laugh about almost anything. I do laugh about almost everything. There’s very little that happens in my life that I can’t laugh about. The Anthony Weiner scandal is not one of those things. It should be easy to … Continue reading
Ding, Dong, The Terrorist is Dead.
It’s very rare of me to make three posts in one day, but I couldn’t NOT comment on the fact that Osama bin Laden is reportedly dead. It is truly a wondrous occasion when such a sick, evil, immoral excuse … Continue reading
“How to Deal With Trolls” by Guest Blogger Barack Obama
My fellow Americans, As you no doubt have heard, I released my long form birth certificate today. To celebrate the momentous occasion of proving for once and for all that I am a true-blooded American, Lady T contacted me and … Continue reading
Posted in Novels, Fiction & Silliness
Tagged advice, guest blogger, politics schmolitics, troll droppings, writing