Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Tag Archives: less feminist than it seems
Joss Whedon and the Girl Geek Archetype
I may have mentioned once or twice that I am a fan of Joss Whedon. Aside from being a self-proclaimed feminist, he writes stories, characters, and dialogue that entertains me and intellectually stimulates me in equal measure. I won’t pretend … Continue reading
Disney Princesses, Bella Swan, and Trusting Girls
If you’ve spent any time in the feminist blogosphere, you may have gotten the impression that many feminists don’t really care for Disney princesses or Twilight. You’ve heard the reasons: they promote physical beauty over character, they encourage objectification of … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts
Tagged less feminist than it seems, more feminist than it seems, movies, politics schmolitics, writing
“But”: the Rape Apologist’s Favorite Conjunction
Today I’m going to talk about the word “but.” “But” is a conjunction used to connect two different clauses, where the second clause will contradict or negate the information in the first clause. “I usually love this restaurant, but tonight … Continue reading
Lessons I Have Learned from Glee
I gave up watching entire episodes of Glee for the most part (though I briefly checked in to watch “Mash-Off” because I liked all the songs). As someone who likes to pay attention to Things Going On in the media, … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts
Tagged glee, guest blogger, less feminist than it seems, tv reviews
The Hermione Granger Series: Feminist Criticism of Feminist Criticism
I’m not sure how I’ve managed to blog for eight months without ever writing a post about the female characters from the Harry Potter series, but now seems like a good time to start for two reasons: 1. The last … Continue reading
Posted in Blog Posts
Tagged book reviews, less feminist than it seems, more feminist than it seems
Something Borrowed: The Trailer
Emily Giffin’s 2005 chick lit novel, Something Borrowed, has been made into a movie: Summary: “Plain” Jane Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) sleeps with Dex (Colin Egglesfield), who happens to be engaged to Rachel’s lifelong best friend, Darcy (Kate Hudson). This is … Continue reading
Bridesmaids Trailer: Initial Impressions
Oh, wow. I am super conflicted about this: This movie looks like it might entertain me and irritate me in equal measure. It looks both feminist and anti-feminist, both stupid and smart, both original and cliched, all at once. I … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged less feminist than it seems, more feminist than it seems, movie reviews, movies
Easy A: A Fauxminist Film
It appears that star power is on the rise for the funny, luminous Emma Stone. She first caught my attention as the snarky cool girl who was way too good for Jonah Hill’s character in Superbad (and not because she … Continue reading