ReviewsWe need to see other Gleeople.

I never thought I would be able to quit Glee as long as Kurt and Blaine were on my screen, being cute and adorable and making me want to draw cartoon hearts around their faces every week.

As it turns out, quitting Glee is easier than I thought. After last night’s “Pot O’ Gold,” I am done with this show.

What was it about “Pot O’Gold” that made me want to throw in the towel? Was it the completely inappropriate Puck/Shelby kiss? The infiltration of reality show winners when this show already has too many characters in the first place? Yet another Katy Perry song?

No. It was the realization that I just don’t care anymore.

The first season of Glee was enjoyable all the way through. Some plots were ridiculous, but the characters were cute and engaging, the musical numbers inspiring, and the comedy was ridiculous and the satire often on point.

The second season of Glee was a hot mess, redefining the words “sophomore slump,” but I stayed with it because Kurt’s storyline resonated with me, his relationship with Blaine touched me on a personal level during a difficult time in my life, and I was intrigued by Santana’s struggle of self-discovery.

Now, the show is technically better than it was last season, but I can’t bring myself to care about almost any of it.

The school election? Meh. Puck and Quinn and Shelby and Beth? *Shrug.* The congressional election? Yawn. The inside jokes about this year becoming the “Blaine and Rachel show” and how unfair that is, while the audience knows that it really will become the Blaine and Rachel show and Santana’s criticism is just paying lip service to fairness? Whatever. More defections from the original glee club? So what?

There was a time when all of that might have angered me. I could have written pages and pages about the show being completely wrongheaded and inaccurate about special education in public schools. I could have written pages and pages about how Rory is portrayed as charming and sweet even though he plans to use Brittany’s delusions to get her into the sack, and how we’re supposed to root for him even though that behavior is wrong and creepy. I could have written pages and pages about how I am so over Brittany, and Santana being in love with her only makes me think less of Santana. (Seriously, Brittany thinks Rory is a leprechaun? Santana still wants her? Come on, girl. Brittany’s leprechaun doesn’t even tell her to burn things.)

But I’m not angry. I’m just bored and contemptuous. And that’s why I’m done. Righteous anger and criticism can keep me going, but the anger has been replaced with apathy.

I’m still a sucker for Kurt/Blaine and I like the Hudson/Hummel family dynamics. I haven’t given up on the Kurt/Blaine scenes. I just don’t feel the need to watch an entire episode of Glee anymore. I can wait a week for Hulu to release the episode and just merrily skip through the boring stuff until I hit upon a Kurt/Blaine scene. Next week’s promotion seems to indicate that Kurt and Blaine might be having sex, and I still plan to wait the week until Hulu releases the episode. That’s how much I am completely over the rest of this dumb show.

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10 Responses to We need to see other Gleeople.

  1. Is it weird that Idina Menzel looked more like Quinn to me last night than Lea, because I seriously thought Puck was hallucinating Quinn as Shelby. So weird, I feel like they have totally re-styled her look to fit this storyline. Again if only they would utterly can the earnest bullcrap Puck macking on the adoptive mother of his child/biological mother of his ex as plot to get his kid back would be awful but at least somewhat fun awful.Instead of are you fucking kidding me awful.

    Funnily enough this was the first episode I watched this year (and least for the most part I was flipping back and forth to Eat Street on The Cooking Channel). And I was like this year is supposed to be better? Though I do still manage to enjoy Brittany, I just feel like at least she is consistent, and they mostly avoid “depth” with her which works.

    Shameful spiral time: I think it’s time to admit I like Katy Perry songs (and also Kesha). I know. I know her phrasing on Friday Night, Firecracker, and Teenage Dream are all exactly the same, but I fall for it every time, especially when Darren sings it.

    • Lady T says:

      Exactly, the Puck story is just wrong wrong, not fun wrong. Although I have to admit the fact that it’s Rachel’s bio mom is more troublesome to me than Shelby being Beth’s adoptive mother, when it really should be the other way around.

      Brittany in of herself doesn’t bother me too much. I just think she’s more amusing when she’s a background character making silly comments that no one else understands, rather than someone who needs or can carry her own plot. The leprechaun thing would be funny as a one-off joke, not a joke that’s repeated all throughout the episode. I’m also just a little bummed that she’s ruining Santana for me. If Santana weren’t into Brittany, I’d probably still find Brittany amusing.

      We’ve had three performances of Katy Perry songs on this show, and while I looooved “Teenage Dream” as performed by Darren, and I actually even like her original version of “Firework,” this Friday night song is just not doing it for me at all.

  2. Eneya says:

    I was mortified while watching the show. Wrong on so… many fucking levels…
    1. The whole Irish guy business. – seriously? She will fuck him (sorry… snoggle him) after he grants her 3 wishes? And he sees nothing wrong with it and is actually enthusiastic about it? What the fuck is wrong with this show? No… really? The moment the guys was talking with Finn and Finn was like “Oh… you want to sleep with the girl on false pretense who is clearly… simple in the head, since she believes you are a magical creature. Nope… nothing wrong with that one”.

    The bullying of him. Are all kids in that school bullies and idiots? It looks more and more idiotic than actually commenting on a problem.
    Not to mention his ridiculous accent.
    As a whole… a huge disappointment.

    2. Sue and her “I am doing it for my dead disabled sister” bit. I wonder… maybe on this show they really hate people with disabilities of any kind? WTF show… that’s not funny nor says anything about anything more than “look what we can pull out of our asses this week”.
    The idea that “it sucks for _____, so it should suck for everyone is… !!!
    I am not offended, I am bored by now.

    3. Quinn and “I am going to show she is an unfit mother” storyline simply gave me the creeps. Quinn sounds more and more like a person with a serious need of medical help. I get that after they shipped the ex-wife of Shuster, they are in a need of a new stereotypical “shrew” but… come on!

    4. Finn is more and more turning into Good GuyTM.

    P.S. I find all songs who Perry have created so far to be ridiculously stupid.
    P.S. 2. I really liked the “Candyman” performance.

  3. Lady T says:

    Yeah, the Rory thing is just ridiculously offensive, and normally I’d be bothered, but I just don’t have the energy to write it anymore. I used to think that I would stick with Glee just so I could write about it here and point out to people that this shit is WRONG, but I can’t watch anymore. I just can’t.

  4. Eneya says:

    I feel like a creep for watching the last episode… I can’t comprehend that someone sat own and wrote that shit. That other people were OK with that. That the actors read it and were OK with that…

    I haven’t seen any TVD reviews in a while though?

    • Lady T says:

      I can’t really blame the actors. What are they going to do? If they complain, they could lose their jobs. I doubt they think too much about the storytelling as a whole. Actors typically think about themselves and their particular characters they are playing.

      As for The Vampire Diaries, I don’t typically review that show on an episode-by-episode basis, usually because I’m too busy saying “OH MY GOD!” and flailing at the plot twists. I write about the show when there’s a larger issue bothering me.

  5. Thalia says:

    I’ve read a number of other Glee reviews this past week… Quite a few were not that positive but of the approximately 8 or so reviews I read, you were the only one that mentioned how skeevy it was that Rory (I thought his name was Roy the entire episode) was, basically, lying to Brittany in order to sleep with her.


    This show continues to make me sad.

    • Lady T says:

      of the approximately 8 or so reviews I read, you were the only one that mentioned how skeevy it was that Rory (I thought his name was Roy the entire episode) was, basically, lying to Brittany in order to sleep with her.

      Knowing that makes me kind of want to continue watching just so I can keep pointing out how fucked-up its messages are, hoping to raise awareness among viewers. But I just can’t bring myself to spend this much time thinking about Glee anymore.

  6. Lina says:

    “I could have written pages and pages about how Rory is portrayed as charming and sweet even though he plans to use Brittany’s delusions to get her into the sack, and how we’re supposed to root for him even though that behavior is wrong and creepy.”

    EXACTLY. That was where I stopped watching. All of it was just incredibly disgusting.

    • Lady T says:

      I’m tired of the show trying to act as though creepy behavior is actually charming and cute, you know? It kills me that Kurt had to hear a lecture from Finn and his father about how his crush was inappropriate and bad, but when Rory is actively lying to Brittany to try to sleep with her, it’s cute because he’s…Irish, I guess. Blegh. (Not that I thought Kurt was completely innocent in that situation, but the double standards drive me crazy.)

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