Blog PostsThere is a Prize at the End of This Post

So, on Saturday night, I got a comment on the blog post I wrote about “Shit White Girls Say to Black Girls.”

“Um. wow. You know, I sometimes do get the sneaking suspicion that when people defend stuff like this video (which was, at best, hypocritical and in poor taste, and the fact that she isnt being AS nasty as she could be does NOT make it nice) and related things that the author has an undercurrent of nasty implication that because over 100 years ago many blacks were enslaved and most thereafter still were mistreated, that blacks have a right to be racist to white people and cracker/redneck are in some magical way “not as bad” as the n-word (see, it’s bad to type that but not the white terms) and the even more hateful idea that whites dont have feelings/should not be offended by anything racist… but wow, you pretty much do say that defend this overrated article with that “blacks were all enslaved many many many years ago” BS and one reply outright SAID those racist words “dont carry as much weight”! again I sat WOW, I cannot believe our culture is so hideously afraid of not bending over backward for minorites that it totally warps its own sense of right and wrongin doing so. honestly, I feel sorry for your students if this is how you really think. how horrible to be lucky enough to be an influence on kids yet apparently if you heard a black student call another a redneck cracker or something you wouldnt be offended or take proper action. what happened almost 200 years ago has absolutely NOTHING to do with today. I sure hope it isnt history you teach, because you seem to think segregated bathrooms were just invented, apparently. this embarrassing excuse for an argument is equal to Jews hating on germans for something the ones today have absolutely nothing to do with. yeah, it’s that painful to read.

and btw… pointing out that you are white does not make you less of a racist, same as women making a nasty sexist joke/statement about their sex does not make it or them less sexist, in fact, it is moreso because it sets feminism back a good few years, exactly as you all are doing with racial equality (which is generally what the western world has, a few racists on all sides aside). Unlike you lot, I’m not dehumanizing you by saying what you went through, if you really did, doesnt matter, but that is EXACTLY what you are doing to white “girls”, dehumanizing them by basically saying “screw you! your feelings arent important in any way because my ancestors I never met or knew probably were enslaved and yours werent oppressed at all, even if they were Nazi victims or something”. dont you DARE undervalue someone else’s feelings to justify your own and your hypocritical racism.

I’m also unsure how white “girls” are responsible for all these other races in the videos (and what, guys never do this to blacks either? or was ramsey just smart ebough to hang out with some dumb white girls exclusively?) and why they aree lashing out in such thick anger, which has turned these supposedly lighthearted videos into a glob of racist, sexist, hypocritical stereotyping angerfests. wow. how civilized our world is when it’s white vs. black, men vs. women., etc. still, and the socalled majority is threatened into silence with accusations of hatemongering hanging over their heads. well, God help us, then.”

This comment has inspired me to do a first-ever prize giveaway contest on my blog. Are you excited? You should be, because the prize is AWESOME.

First, go back to the original post: A White Girl Responds to “Shit White Girls Say to Black Girls.” Watch the video and then reread the post. Look carefully for the following statements:

– Franchesca Ramsey calling a white person a “redneck cracker”

– Me calling other white people “redneck crackers”

– Me saying I would allow my (former) students to call white people “redneck crackers”

If you can find any one or all of those things in the video or in my post, guess what? YOU WIN THE INTERNET!

That’s right – this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can only be found on this blog for a very limited time offer. You have twenty-four hours to reread that post and find those extremely difficult-to-find statements, and if you find them, I will give you the ENTIRE INTERNET.

You might wonder how I managed to get my hands on the ENTIRE INTERNET, but trust me – I’ve got the goods. The characters from The IT Crowd gave it to me:

And if you can magically find these comments that I have never at any time written on this blog, you too can be the owner of the little box that used to be on top of Big Ben.

In all seriousness, though, I will give many thanks and props to whoever can translate this rant into a coherent argument, particularly the second paragraph, because I’ve been staring at it for several minutes and I still have no clue what she’s talking about.

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8 Responses to There is a Prize at the End of This Post

  1. Dark Iris says:

    First of all, I’d love it if you taught my students. Second, I’m so impressed about your graceful handling of ugly trolls and their “droppings.” I haven’t graduated to having a comments section on my blog yet (it’s only two months young) because I’m afraid of the nastiness out there toward feminist posts. I had that “Sh**” white girls say” video as my signature on my email account for a while, and I think it’s spot on. And Finally, I have never heard of the “IT Crowd” or seen that video, and I’m still laughing. Where can I find this show, and is it this funny all the time? So many amazing moments, that kid shredding the napkin toward the end really made me lose it. You rock, Lady T.

    • Jazzi says:

      You find all four seasons on netflix. I can say that this is just one of the many funny moments on this show.

    • Lady T says:

      Thank you for your support. I laugh about the troll comments, but having genuine support is really helpful. 🙂

      As for the comments, I don’t know how moderation works on Blogger, but on WordPress, there’s a setting that makes moderation a little easier. If a first-time commenter tries to leave a comment, the comment goes into the moderation queue and won’t appear publicly until the blogger approves it. In other words, the nasty troll comments will ONLY be seen by me, unless I feel like writing a troll droppings post about it. I don’t know if that helps you at all. I understand if you wouldn’t be ready to read any of them, though.

      And yes, The IT Crowd is hilarious and available on Netflix Instant Play if you have a subscription.

  2. Jenna says:

    Sometimes, it’s much funnier!

    One of the things she’s saying in the second paragraph is that generally speaking, we have racial equality all over the Western World. What a relief! Here I thought we had all of these problems because many people just don’t trust people who don’t look just like them! I’m so happy to know that that’s just not true!

  3. Demetria says:

    haha at the “troll droppings” category. amazing 🙂

  4. Gareth says:

    Aww, I really wanted to win the Internet :,(

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