Blog PostsSketch Comedy Monday: “Kids Reenact the Oscar Nominees”

Did you miss the Academy Awards ceremony last night? Did you miss out on the chance to see most of the Best Picture nominees this year? Never fear! Here’s a handy way to catch up: kids reenacting the Oscar nominated-movies. For some reason, the embed codes aren’t working, so just follow them here:

My personal favorite is the one for The Tree of Life. “Hey, this is supposed to be my voiceover.” “A dinosaur!” But I also loved the ones for Hugo (“Quiet, this isn’t about you anymore”) and The Help (“Mmhmm, at least I made that white lady eat doo-doo, mmhmm.”)

I don’t have a lot of insightful, deconstructionist commentary about these sketches. They’re just funny and very cute, and very accurate portrayals of, at least, the 6 of the 9 Best Picture nominees that I’ve seen. (I still haven’t seen The Descendants, War Horse, or Extremely Long and Incredibly Cloying.)

But, if you want an even more comprehensive look at every Oscar-winning movie ever, check this out:

This video is two years old. I don’t care. It perfectly describes the typical movie that the Academy loves: stories about white men who find meaning in their lives through women, people of color, and people with disabilities – because those groups only live to give meaning to white men, donchaknow. The only way this trailer could be better is if they included a Holocaust reference or someone dying of a terminal illness.

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4 Responses to Sketch Comedy Monday: “Kids Reenact the Oscar Nominees”

  1. Alice says:

    That video just might be the best Oscar commentary ever.

  2. Nathaniel says:

    Are there really movies in which characters with intellectual disabilities have humorous catchphrases?

    • Lady T says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised, but I can’t think of a particular example. Then again, I haven’t seen Radio or I Am Sam, two films I am told I should avoid if I don’t want to explode with rage.

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