Blog PostsFemale Character of the Fortnight: Rebecca Black

Some might say that I’m cheating with this Female Character post, because Rebecca Black is not a fictional character.  But I’m not interested in writing a post about Rebecca Black, the real person.  I’m talking about Rebecca Black, the Internet phenomenon, who might as well be a fictional character.

Rebecca Black, the real person, has received death threats for the unforgivable crime of recording a bad song.  (Meanwhile, if you Google “Justin Bieber death threats,” the first page is not filled with articles about Bieber receiving death threats for recording similarly bad songs, but articles about Selena Gomez receiving death threats for the unforgivable crime of dating Justin Bieber.) 

Now, I try to respect everyone’s opinions, but anyone who watched this video and got angry, instead of laughing at the joke it was, has no life:

I’m going to be perfectly honest here: I find this song and video uplifting.  Really.  Unlike a lot of the teen pop singers of today, Rebecca Black the character is singing an age-appropriate song and wearing age-appropriate clothing.  I like that.

But what I really admire about Rebecca Black the character is her spirit and positive attitude.  This girl has a constant smile on her face even though her friends look like they’re bored out of their minds.  She’s always happy even though she can’t say the word “friends” without it sounding like “frans.”  She’s undeterred by the out-of-place, completely random rap solo by a guy who’s following her around in his car, rapping about passing a school bus when it’s clearly nighttime. 

And, even though she doesn’t want the weekend to end, because the next day is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards, she’s still going to enjoy it while it lasts, by gum!

Her optimism is so bright and infectious that everyone can’t help but join in.  The Glee guys joined in on the fun, fun, fun, fun at their prom.  Brittany declared it the “Best Prom Ever,” and Santana was so caught up in the awesomeness of the dorky routine that she didn’t even stop her own dancing at the sight of a dorky poseur wearing her dress. 

“Well, I can’t enjoy the original video even on an ironic level because the song is THAT bad, and I don’t watch Glee.  Also, you’re stupid,” you might say.  Well, maybe (except for the stupid part.  I’m smarter than all of you.)  But are you really going to tell me that you can’t enjoy this?:

If you can’t enjoy even this, I must conclude that you have no soul.

Also, I find that “Friday” is a helpful song to parody for every holiday.  “It’s Good Friday, Friday, everyone getting down on Good Friday, all the Romans are looking forward to the crucifixion.”  Or even today, “Doomsday, Doomsday, we’re all gonna die on Doomsday, all the Christians are looking forward to the Rapture, Rapture.  Rapturing Rapturing.  Rapturing Rapturing.  Die die die die all of us are going to Hell.”

So sing on, Rebecca Black the character.  Never lose that smile, and you should appear on Sesame Street to further teach our children about the days of the week.

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4 Responses to Female Character of the Fortnight: Rebecca Black

  1. John says:

    I’ve waiting for the ironic live cover by a hipster band. I know it’s coming, I just don’t know who it’s going to be.

  2. Eneya says:

    American pop music.

    I can’t see that huge difference between the lyrics of… say Rihanna and Justin Bieber, so the whole hate towards Rebecca Black is a bit like:
    “She is a kid, also a girl, so we can hate her however we want, because she doesn’t show skins, also she is a girl and girl suck period.”

  3. almond says:

    I agree the same sentiment can be used for justin bieber “She is a kid, also a girl, so we can hate her however we want, because she doesn’t show skins, also she is a girl and girl suck period.” its a rough world on girls like rebecca and justin bieber.

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