Blog PostsI Love the Smell of Troll Droppings in the Morning…

Troll (n): one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.  [Source:].

I got my first troll dropping today.  In response to my recent post about Judd Apatow’s films (my post with the most site hits so far), a troll kindly left the following comment:

“Boo hoo hooo. Apatow actually makes funny shit rather than pandering to you fucking sluts. Cry more.”

I deleted the original comment because I felt it would detract from the original post, like a big stinky turd in the middle of the carpet on a living room floor.  But I had to re-post it for posterity’s sake.  Like a baby’s first shoes, I felt that my first troll dropping should be bronzed. 

– This troll clearly believes that I am TOO SENSITIVE and believe I need someone to “pander” to me.  Yet he (I’m assuming the poster is male) feels the need to resort to vile, sexist slurs to get his point across.  Why was he so offended by my post?  Because he likes a particular filmmaker, and I didn’t.  Yet I’m the one who’s TOO SENSITIVE.

– The comment was left anonymously.  The email address was provided – I assume because of restrictions – but only to me, not to anyone else who might read the post.  That’s so…brave, commenting in a space where no one knows your name, and not even your Internet handle.

The troll advises me to “cry more.”  That’s funny, because I don’t remember crying at all when I wrote the post.  In fact, half of the post was commending Judd Apatow for his work on Freaks and Geeks. Hmm….oh!  I bet the lapse in memory was due to my period.  Us ladiez on our periods get really emotional and then can’t remember what we said afterwards! 

My favorite part of the dropping: the troll calling me a “fucking slut.”


Oh.  Oh, honey.  No.

“Slut” is a derogatory term referring to women who “sleep around.”  There was nothing about my original post, nothing whatsoever, about my sex life or my sexual history.  If you wanted to use a stereotypical antifeminist insult, you SHOULD have called me a humorless bitch who can’t understand a joke if she falls over it in the street because she’s too busy burning her bra and cutting balls off.

I mean, COME ON.  That’s Anti-Feminism 101, and you just FAILED.

All in all, this isn’t bad for a first troll dropping.  But I remain hopeful that I will, someday, find a truly vile, stinky turd on my living room floor that’s more worth my attention.  Someday I’ll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behiiiiind meeeeeeeee…..

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13 Responses to I Love the Smell of Troll Droppings in the Morning…

  1. kadja1 says:

    I had a troll do that to me also. Only this one left the name and such. I blocked her and she came back with a different name, a decent post, and then slammed again–revealing her true identity so I deleted, blocked her again and contacted wordpress. She hasn’t bothered me since…

  2. Eneya says:

    Some time ago I was under the very false impression that trolls attack mainly feminist orientated media.
    Boy, do was I wrong.

    It turned out that no matter what you write about, even about the colour of your socks, there will be some deranged individual(s) who believe that straberry socks are the best!!!!! and if you don’t agree or find pineapple applicated ones for more sweet, well… that means war and averybody jumps for their weapons, as if we are back in the kindergarten and 4 yearl old.

  3. DNR says:

    By the way, Apatow may indeed be “pandering to the fucking sluts,” producing the Kristen Wiig’s writing and film acting debut, “Bridesmaids,” which is being marketed as “The Hangover for women,” although the reviews I read from SXSW said it was considerably better than the trailers made it look.

    On the other hand, his untitled next project stars, aside from the obligatory Leslie Mann and Paul Rudd, noted comedienne Megan Fox. Which is what drives me nuts about Apatow. He clearly knows a huge number of talented female comedic actresses, because he gives them funny supporting roles, but when it comes to leads, it’s generally a stunning looking woman who has no experience with improv, sketch comedy, or stand-up, the way his male leads have. In the case of Heigl and Fox, they have actively unpleasant on-screen personalities.

    • Lady T says:

      I wrote about the Bridesmaids trailer awhile ago, actually: I’m still conflicted. It might be worth a look.

      And as for that last thing…*sigh*. Apatow has worked with Busy Phillips and Linda Cardellini. Would they REALLY say no to a starring role in a movie? I think not. Busy in particular would be brilliant in a lead film role.

      • eee1313 says:

        I thought that “Bridesmaids” was written by Feig, and produced by Apatow. That makes all the difference in the world (to me, at least).

      • DNR says:

        Written by Wiig, directed by Feig, produced by Apatow. Post-“Freaks and Geeks”, Paul Feig has mostly directed TV, and has done well at that, though if you held a shotgun to my head I couldn’t tell you what distinguishes his episodes of “The Office” or “Arrested Development” from anyone else’s. He made a holocaust drama and a kid’s comedy, both of which got horrible reviews. The reviews for Bridesmaids seemed to indicate it was in the Apatow style, which is to say, loose and improvised with some scenes going on too long.

        I’ve been meaning to post a quote from the director of “The Hangover” about getting the audience to like female protagonists, but I can’t seem to find it now.

  4. luke basile says:

    sister, you have just made a blog that will forever act as a shield around trolls for me. The “Uz ladies” part was my favorite. overall, it was a great blog that clearly states the message: people complain, just to sound cool and be posers. Sadly, our lives can’t be complete without those nit-pickers. *sigh*

  5. kadja1 says:

    To me, if they have to post anonymously, they deserve NO respect because that screams that someone lacks a set of cojones! Male or female it doesn’t matter. If they can’t say it with their name attached, they know they are in the wrong.

  6. Pingback: Another Troll? How Droll! « The Funny Feminist

  7. JBCODD says:

    A most amusing look at trolls. And if you really want a present on your floor, I’ll lend you my bulldog.

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