Blog PostsMore Themed Episodes Community Can Do

Dan Harmon and the Community writing staff (and the actors as well, I’m sure) definitely love their themed episodes.  In the past two seasons, we’ve seen spoofs of specific genres (the war/post-apocalyptic movie episode, the zombie movie episode, the mockumentary, the conspiracy theory episode, the bottle episode, the Christmas episode, the space adventure episode) as well as the spoofs of particular movies and games (Goodfellas, Dungeons and Dragons, Pulp Fiction/My Dinner with Andre).

But what’s next for these writers?  What other genres and films can this wildly inventive show pay tribute to?

I had a few ideas.

– The musical episode.  Obvious, I know, but given the mutual love affair/snarky back-and-forth between Glee and Community, this show was made for a musical episode.  Considering they do tributes all the time, they don’t even need a Buffy musical “a demon did it” reason to have it make sense.

– The vampire movie episode. Community needs to cash in on the popularity of the vampire genre.  Besides, Joel McHale already knows Nina Dobrev from The Vampire Diaries, given that they performed together in the opening number of the 2010 Emmys. Okay, I’ll admit it; I really just want an excuse for Nina Dobrev to do a guest spot on this show, preferably as a villain who really pisses off Britta.

The Wizard of Oz episode.  Annie is going to want to transfer at the end of the year, right?  She’s too ambitious to want to stay at Greendale forever.  I want Annie-as-Dorothy to be forced away from Greendale and have to find her way back home to seek an audience with The Wizard (the Dean).  Accompanied by her loyal dog Toto (Chang), she receives help from Glinda the Good Witch (Shirley, of course) and three companions: the Scarecrow (Pierce), the Tin Man (Abed), and the Cowardly Lion (Troy).  Meanwhile, she’s thwarted by the Wicked Witch of the West (Britta), who, in a surprise twist, turns out not to be so wicked after all; Britta wants Annie to pursue her dreams and not limit herself to a mediocre education at a community college.  As for Jeff?  He refuses to play in The Wizard of Oz game and remains frustratingly neutral, because he agrees with Britta, but also would secretly miss the hell out of Annie if she left (because he looooves her).

Lord of the Rings episode. The gang has to go on a quest to find the precious – the precious being, in this case, the free premiere tickets to The Hobbit. (They couldn’t air this until 2012, obviously).  Troy and Abed would play Sam and Frodo, respectively, with Shirley as Gandalf and Pierce as Saruman, Jeff and Annie as Aragorn and Arwen, Britta as Galadriel, and Chang as Gollum.

Macbeth. I want Birnam Wood to come to Greendale.  Jeff, as Macbeth, becomes mad with power when Duncan lets him teach an anthropology class.  Jeff, the lawyer who loves the sound of his own voice, enjoys being in front of a captive audience so much that he tries to dispose of Duncan (as Duncan).  Annie is Lady Macbeth, attracted to Jeff’s newfound ambition, and especially intrigued because she helps him design the lesson plans.  Then, of course, the guilt eats away at her because she helped dispose of a legitimate professor.  As Jeff grows even more paranoid, he also gets rid of Pierce (Banquo), who will, apparently, never be a teacher of a Greendale of himself, but might have several illegitimate children who will succeed him.  Chang (Malcolm), another former Greendale professor, escapes into hiding.  Britta acts as all three of the Weird Sisters, being super-judgmental and portentous when Jeff goes to her for help.  Finally, he attempts to go after Troy and Abed after his paranoia eats away at him, but Shirley (Macduff) has finally had enough and will stop at nothing to defeat MacJeff.

Well, Dan Harmon?  When does my check come in the mail?  *waits patiently*

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5 Responses to More Themed Episodes Community Can Do

  1. caitmechanic says:

    I feel like you’re parodizing Community’s genre play a little bit, but SERIOUSLY these would all be awesome.

  2. evelyn codd says:

    Tell me again why you aren’t a writer for this show? Send these suggestions to the staff of Community!

  3. Rainicorn says:

    If any of these things happen (especially the musical episode), I will plotz from joy. You have some very wonderful ideas in that head of yours, Lady T!

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