Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Tag Archives: theatre
Rebellion Through Collaboration and Flawed Female Characters: An Interview With Cristina Henriquez and Samantha Shane
When Cristina Henriquez and Samantha Shane browsed the shelves of the Drama Book Shop in midtown Manhattan, searching for a play to inspire them, they weren’t sure what they would find. They only knew that they wanted to perform something … Continue reading
Lady T Recommends “Bloody Lullabies for Brave Women”
For this edition of “Lady T Recommends,” I’m not going to point you towards a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign. I’m going to point you towards a play already in production, a play called Bloody Lullabies for Brave Women that will … Continue reading
Minimalism and Dissatisfaction in “Our Town”
Our Town, Thornton Wilder’s classic about a small American town at the turn of the century, is a play that was first introduced to me to 80s sitcoms and 90s teenage dramas. For some reason, Our Town was the go-to … Continue reading
Travel and Fantasy in “Tarragona”
“Would you like to fall in love in a foreign country?” Ask this question of an American, and the answer is likely to be an immediate, enthusiastic, “Yes!” Many of Americans feel the slog of humdrum day-to-day lives and 9-5 … Continue reading
“I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar…ish.”
[This piece was originally posted at Bitch Flicks.] “Why should a woman who is healthy and strong/blubber like a baby if her man goes away/weepin’ and a-wailin’ how he’s done her wrong/that’s one thing you’ll never hear me say.” These … Continue reading
Feeling “Eh” on Eponine
The film version of Les Miserables will hit theaters on Christmas Day 2012. I’m pretty psyched, especially after seeing the first trailer. I felt apprehensive about the casting of Anne Hathaway as Fantine, but she managed to break my heart … Continue reading
“I <3 Revolution” (because the angry ladies said I had to)
[The following review is an exclusive first-hand account of a hostage situation that broke out at 12 PM at The Living Theatre on August 26, 2012.] I thought I was going to see a play. I was wrong. The setting … Continue reading
“June and Nancy” Offers a Sweet, Moving Love Story at the Fringe Festival
The New York International Fringe Festival is known for producing shows that push boundaries and test audience expectations. Sometimes the plays in question test our expectations with in-your-face titles like Mother Eve’s Secret Garden of Sensual Sisterhood, I Married a … Continue reading
“FriendAndy.com,” and then tell everyone about my blog.
Last night, a friend and I saw a great show at the Fringe Festival called FriendAndy.com. I’ll tell you about it in a few minutes, but first I have to check my Twitter feed – I really want to see … Continue reading
Beauty Pageant Parody in “The Underdeveloped and Overexposed Life and Death of Deena Domino”
Writing and performing a show that satirizes beauty pageants and Toddlers and Tiaras is almost like shooting sexy baby fish in a barrel. Many comedians and actors, including Tom Hanks, have jumped on the satirical bandwagon and mocked these horrifying … Continue reading