Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Tag Archives: disability
Stoneybrook Revisited: BSC #32 – “Kristy and the Secret of Susan”
In this Very Special Episode of my “Stoneybrook Revisited” series, Kristy Thomas baby-sits a girl with autism. Let’s see how this goes, hmm? Chapter 1 – Kristy baby-sits her brother and her new adopted sister, Emily Michelle, and then her … Continue reading
Formative Performances: Mary Stuart Masterson in “Benny and Joon”
As the sister and co-guardian of an adult man with autism, I am equally fascinated and repelled by movies that have disabled characters at their center. I loved Rain Man when I was a kid, and I still love Dustin … Continue reading
Lessons in Funny Feminism from My Older Little Brother
The elder of my two little brothers turns twenty-three today. I will most certainly buy him a present, likely a DVD version of a VHS tape that has worn down by now, but I also want to take a little … Continue reading
Movie Rental Review: Lars and the Real Girl
When I watch a movie or read a book about a subject that is deeply personal to me, I often wonder – does my personal connection to the text hinder or enhance my ability to look at it critically? Looking … Continue reading