Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Tag Archives: buffy the vampire slayer
Formative Performances: Sarah Michelle Gellar in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
[Women’s History Month, Day 17] Two years ago, I wrote about Buffy and what she means to me as a fictional character. Today, I’m going to honor the woman who played her, because Buffy wouldn’t have been such an iconic … Continue reading
Xander Harris Has Masculinity Issues
[This post originally appeared at Bitch Flicks.] Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a great cast of characters that includes many flawed, admirable, psychologically complex (white) women. Two of them (Buffy and Cordelia) are some of my most beloved television characters … Continue reading