Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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An Interview with Kelsey Rauber, Co-Creator of “Kelsey” the Webseries
Kelsey Rauber didn’t set out to create a web series based on her own life. Her background was in writing features and her passion was in creating original characters. She’s written comedic shorts with her sister and a screenplay that … Continue reading
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An Interview with “Dates Like This” Co-Creators Hannah Vaughn and Leigh Poulos
Dates Like This, a web series in its second season, tells the story of a twentysomething lesbian named Meg and her straight best friend Alicia as they navigate the dating scene in New York City. The series is a modern … Continue reading
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Rebellion Through Collaboration and Flawed Female Characters: An Interview With Cristina Henriquez and Samantha Shane
When Cristina Henriquez and Samantha Shane browsed the shelves of the Drama Book Shop in midtown Manhattan, searching for a play to inspire them, they weren’t sure what they would find. They only knew that they wanted to perform something … Continue reading
Female Empowerment at the Fringe Festival: Roundtable Interview with Playwrights Michelle Ramoni, Dani Vetere, and Alice Winslow (Part 3)
[On Tuesday, August 7, I had the privilege of speaking with three female playwrights who have shows premiering at the New York International Fringe Festival. Michelle Ramoni is the writer of June and Nancy and also plays June in the … Continue reading
Female Empowerment at the Fringe Festival: Roundtable Interview with Playwrights Michelle Ramoni, Dani Vetere, and Alice Winslow (Part 2)
[On Tuesday, August 7, I had the privilege of speaking with three female playwrights who have shows premiering at the New York International Fringe Festival. Michelle Ramoni is the writer of June and Nancy and also plays June in the … Continue reading
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Female Empowerment at the Fringe Festival: Roundtable Interview With Playwrights Michelle Ramoni, Dani Vetere, and Alice Winslow (Part 1)
[On Tuesday, August 7, I had the privilege of speaking with three female playwrights who have shows premiering at the New York International Fringe Festival. Michelle Ramoni is the writer of June and Nancy and also plays June in the … Continue reading