Greetings. I am Lady T: writer, feminist, smartass, former public school teacher, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, co-legal guardian. My hobbies include reading, writing, watching television, eating, volunteering to work with people with disabilities, planning to exercise and not doing it, arguing, and insomnia. Read more.
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Author Archives: Theresa Basile
This Is Not a Post About “Fifty Shades of Grey”
Fifty Shades of Grey is a book that has become obscenely popular in the last few months. It’s inspired a (terrible, disgusting) phrase called “mommy porn”. It’s given women new masturbation material, only with more BDSM. It’s provoked a huge … Continue reading
Xander Harris Has Masculinity Issues
[This post originally appeared at Bitch Flicks.] Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a great cast of characters that includes many flawed, admirable, psychologically complex (white) women. Two of them (Buffy and Cordelia) are some of my most beloved television characters … Continue reading
Lady T Recommends “Class Dismissed: The Movie!”
My hectic month of August is over, and I can now relax back into a more regular routine. I’d like to start with talking about a project I heard about called Class Dismissed: The Movie! Here is a link to … Continue reading
“I <3 Revolution” (because the angry ladies said I had to)
[The following review is an exclusive first-hand account of a hostage situation that broke out at 12 PM at The Living Theatre on August 26, 2012.] I thought I was going to see a play. I was wrong. The setting … Continue reading
“June and Nancy” Offers a Sweet, Moving Love Story at the Fringe Festival
The New York International Fringe Festival is known for producing shows that push boundaries and test audience expectations. Sometimes the plays in question test our expectations with in-your-face titles like Mother Eve’s Secret Garden of Sensual Sisterhood, I Married a … Continue reading
“FriendAndy.com,” and then tell everyone about my blog.
Last night, a friend and I saw a great show at the Fringe Festival called FriendAndy.com. I’ll tell you about it in a few minutes, but first I have to check my Twitter feed – I really want to see … Continue reading
Beauty Pageant Parody in “The Underdeveloped and Overexposed Life and Death of Deena Domino”
Writing and performing a show that satirizes beauty pageants and Toddlers and Tiaras is almost like shooting sexy baby fish in a barrel. Many comedians and actors, including Tom Hanks, have jumped on the satirical bandwagon and mocked these horrifying … Continue reading
Life, Love, and Excavation Sites in “Hadrian’s Wall”
A writer who chooses to tell a story about academics has a fine line to walk, especially when the academic subject is a key element to the story. When the characters speak about the subject, they have to sound knowledgeable … Continue reading
Female Empowerment at the Fringe Festival: Roundtable Interview with Playwrights Michelle Ramoni, Dani Vetere, and Alice Winslow (Part 3)
[On Tuesday, August 7, I had the privilege of speaking with three female playwrights who have shows premiering at the New York International Fringe Festival. Michelle Ramoni is the writer of June and Nancy and also plays June in the … Continue reading