Blog PostsThis is a Public Service Announcement From Troll McTrollson.

In response to the first post I wrote about Daniel Tosh’s response to an audience member, I received this comment:

“Man..shut up, every thing is being raped isnt funny. But jeezuz christ..change ur tampon…its a freaking joke…how you gona be at comedy clubs and be offended..get over it already…we need to be worried about our economy or.being taken over by china or korea…getA life..and seriously ..change.ur tampon”

This comment was left by a poster who identified hirself as chizie, and I would like to thank chizie for bringing a very important issue to my attention: the issue of Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Toxic Shock Syndrome is a very serious disease that involves fever, shock, and problems with the function of several body organs. It can occasionally end in death. While there are numerous causes of Toxic Shock Syndrome, one of these causes is women leaving in tampons for too long.

chizie is very kind – nay, very responsible, the very epitome of a public servant – for bringing this to our attention. chizie would like to recommend Mooncups as a safe, environmentally friendly alternative to tampons. You’ll never have to worry about being so busy not having a sense of humor that you’ll forget to change your tampon.

The only downside is that Mooncups are made in the U.K., and as chizie points out, our economy IS in trouble – but hey, at least it’s not made in China or Korea.

The More You Know.

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4 Responses to This is a Public Service Announcement From Troll McTrollson.

  1. Gareth says:

    Let’s imagine for a moment that his premise that we shouldn’t get offended at Tosh’s joke because we should worry about more “important things” is correct (which it isn’t) Surely he violates that principle himself by being offended by your negative reaction to the original joke?

  2. H.D.Cyr says:

    Holy-sh**, this post just made me burst out laughing. Though in all seriousness Toxic shock Syndrome is no laughing matter.

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