Blog PostsLady T Recommends “The Quiet Girl’s Guide to Violence”

Hello, readers. This is a friendly reminder that Haberdasher Theatre’s The Wizard of Oz has $425 pledged and only 18 days until the Kickstarter campaign ends. Please consider chipping in to bring this production to life.

The second entry in my Lady T Recommends series is a film project based in Austin Texas called The Quiet Girl’s Guide to Violence. Are you already intrigued by the title? You should be, because this project looks really neat.

From the description on the Kickstarter site:

“The film follows Holly, a girl you would probably never notice, but she would notice you.  Holly looks like she was home schooled until she was thirty and we quickly learn that she’s seriously damaged goods.  She’s not okay, but she sort of almost starts to become okay after she encounters the man that was her childhood bully and deals with him in a fashion that her therapist (if she had a therapist) would definitely not approve of.  After that episode, she becomes more empowered in her regular life and her dealings with other seeming bullies she finds there.  But it’s a slippery slope, revenge, and when you choose violence as a means to end, well it usually doesn’t end well.  NO SPOILERS here, that’s just life.


Why I’m recommending this project: The story of a quiet girl with a history of being bullied, who then learns how to stand up to her bullies, appeals to me for several different reasons. I love stories about women who learn how to embrace power, but I also love stories about people who struggle with power, who have to learn how to wield power without becoming corrupted or obsessed. The Holly character looks like she’ll struggle with these very issues in this short film.

As I said, those themes really appeal to me, but do you want to know what made me decide that I have to see this film?

“The film is set around Christmastime.”

A movie about a girl standing up to bullies is already going to interest me, but a Christmas movie about a girl standing up to bullies? I’m sold. The darkly comic tone that lies underneath this story about power makes me sold, sealed, and delivered.

The Quiet Girl’s Guide to Violence needs $7000 to be completely funded, and it currently has $5,993 pledged. There are 25 days left for the fundraising. Do you want to be one of the people who contributes to the funding of this project? Of course you do! You might receive an angry Rudolph button to put on your backpack! If you’re able, consider chipping in. The fundraiser page is here: The Quiet Girl’s Guide to Violence.

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4 Responses to Lady T Recommends “The Quiet Girl’s Guide to Violence”

  1. Gareth says:

    I’m definitely going to contribute towards this project. I might donate $50 but it depends on whether or not I want to pay the expense of the $20 shipping also (if not I’ll just donate $35)

  2. Wow! Thank you for supporting our film!!

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