ReviewsViral Video Review: SNL’s “I Just Had Sex” Digital Short

I laughed my butt off at Andy Samberg’s first widely-recognized venture into white-boy ironic rap with “Lazy Sunday.” I chuckled at “Dick in a Box.”  I smiled at “Motherlover.”  Then I forgot to watch Saturday Night Live for a few years unless it was hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Lynch, Betty White, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, or the surprisingly hilarious Jon Hamm, because life is too short to be waiting for the SNL writing team to become truly funny again.

Then came along “I Just Had Sex”.

The Feminist In Me Says… I am annoyed by the implication that the girls just “let” these men have sex with them, as though women have so little time on their hands and so low of a self-esteem that they will “let” any douchebag plunder the depths of their oceans just for the sake of it.  I am also annoyed that the men in the video who “just had sex” were dorky-hot while the women were supermodel-hot.  You don’t get much hotter than Jessica Alba and Boobs Leggsly.  The women are nothing but objects to fulfill the male fantasies.  Yes, it seems as though the video is critiquing the male standards of sexual partners rather than the female standards.  Still, can we not have a viral rap parody video that talks about the female enjoyment of the one-night stand?  Often, women have sex because they actually like it, not because they have low standards or low self-esteem or because they have nothing better to do.

The Comedian in Me Says… The guy wants to call his disinterested, disturbed parents after he just had sex.  They don’t care if the women are piles of manure or KKK members.  They mention “putting my penis” inside of women several times over.  The big doofy grins of the men, and the disgusted looks of the women, are priceless.  And I love that they’re rapping and singing soulfully with lyrics that are oh so crude.  Literal fireworks coming from the penises?!!!

The Funny Feminist Decides… Heeeeeee.  Tee hee hee.  *rewinds, watches again*

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